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SCIM User Provisioning

TurboDocx offers enterprise customers the ability to integrate System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning with their platforms, enhancing user and group management across your organization. SCIM provisioning automates the user lifecycle process, ensuring that user accounts are created, updated, and deactivated in a synchronized manner across various applications and services.

TurboDocx's SCIM implementation supports standard protocols, allowing for seamless integration with a wide range of identity providers (IdPs) that support SCIM standards. This ensures that TurboDocx can work effectively with your organization's existing identity management solutions.

Supported Identity Providers

Some of the major identity providers that support SCIM and can be integrated with TurboDocx include:

  • Okta
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • and more

Integrating SCIM provisioning with TurboDocx allows your IT teams to manage user identities and access rights efficiently from a central location, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing security. The automation of user account management provided by SCIM also helps in reducing the possibilities of human error during the account setup and maintenance phases.

To set up SCIM provisioning with TurboDocx, please reach out to our support team. They will provide detailed guidance through the necessary steps and offer support throughout the setup process. Once SCIM provisioning is implemented, user account management will be automated according to the configurations set in your identity provider, streamlining the process and ensuring a consistent and secure user experience across all enterprise applications.